
Showing posts from May, 2023

Your Radio Club Sucks, but how do you fix it? Don't bother if you're under 55.

  It's been a while since I've gone through and updated websites that I manage, including this one. A lot has changed. Almost like a time capsule, to just a few months ago. Might as well reflect on what's different enough to warrant an entire blog post.       A few months back, I separated from the local radio club I was a part of. I was there for years, almost ever since I've lived in NW Ohio. Toxicity from there is what killed the hobby for me for a while. But I knew I've sunk far too much time, money, and effort to let it kill the hobby as a whole. It's of no use to publicly post all of the different little things that caused me (and several others) to leave, but you can surely guess that it must've added up if it drove several others as well to resign.       I will hit on a major factor that drove me out, and probably clubs around the world experience in one way or another. The age divide, and not just between members either. Gone are the days of