
Showing posts from November, 2023

Who needs a server in their house? You, probably.

    As Amateur Radio operators, it's likely that we all share a love-hate relationship with our computers. A lot of us love to tinker with what's possible on our home PC's, while others just want the things to work. But some of us want to push the envelope even further. Unless you've been living under a rock, it's likely that you've heard of a Raspberry Pi. For those who prefer the Patrick Star lifestyle, these little technological wonders are full fledged computers that are about the size of a credit card. Also known as Single Board Computers, these Pi's have found their way into just about every hamshack around the world. Most are familiar with them for Digital Voice hotspots, some have used them as Linux machines that run HF digital modes and logging software, the possibilities are truly endless.     However, steering away from the Amateur Radio world for a minute, many people use them as network devices for a plethora of tasks. Some use Pi-Hole, a DNS le